The UAE government takes steps to keep residents and visitors safe, especially when it comes to pedestrian safety in Dubai. Following pedestrian rules is crucial, as accidents can happen quickly, especially in busy areas. Here’s a simple breakdown of the pedestrian safety rules in Dubai:

Safe Crossing Areas
Accidents often happen when people cross the road carelessly or ignore crosswalks. Jaywalking is illegal in Dubai, and you could be fined AED 400. Always use pedestrian bridges, underpasses, or zebra crossings when available, and wait for the green pedestrian light before crossing. This helps keep both pedestrians and drivers safe.
Use Sidewalks
Even when traffic is light, always walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road. Be cautious of cars entering or leaving driveways or reversing in parking lots. Always stop and check for traffic before crossing the street.
Avoid Using Mobile Phones
Always pay attention to your surroundings when walking, which means no texting or talking on the phone. Using earphones can also distract you, so if you must listen to music, keep the volume low enough to hear approaching traffic.
Child Safety
If you’re with a child, hold their hand firmly to keep them safe. It’s your responsibility to make sure they don’t run into danger.
Parking Spaces
Be extra careful in parking lots, as cars may not see you clearly due to blocked views. Always stay alert when walking in or near parking areas.
Rules for Drivers Regarding Pedestrian Crossings
Zebra Crossing
Drivers must give way to pedestrians on zebra crossings. Failing to do so results in a fine of AED 500 and 6 black points. Some zebra crossings in Dubai don’t have traffic signals, so drivers must be especially cautious. Recently, Dubai Police added solar-powered smart sensors to zebra crossings. If a pedestrian crosses, a red light flashes to signal drivers to stop. Violating this rule can lead to fines.
Traffic Signals
Running a red light can result in a fine of AED 1,000 and 4 black points. After a red light, there is often a zebra crossing, so drivers should slow down and be ready to stop for pedestrians.
Mobile Usage
Using a mobile phone while driving is dangerous and illegal. Even when your car is stopped at a signal, avoid using your phone. If caught, you’ll be fined AED 800 and get 4 black points.
Child Zones
In areas near schools, playgrounds, or parks, drivers must slow down. Children are active and may unexpectedly run into the street, so drivers must stay alert and drive carefully in these areas.
By following these rules, both pedestrians and drivers can help ensure everyone’s safety on the roads in Dubai.