Singapore Traffic Police using Unmarked Cars for Enforcement Patrols

Singapore Traffic Police
Singapore Traffic Police

Alongside their standard fleet of marked vehicles, the Traffic Police will deploy a dedicated team specifically targeting motorcyclists.

During the launch of the 5th Bukit Batok Driving Centre Ride Safe 2012 campaign on Saturday, the Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Home Affairs & Trade and Industry, S Iswaran, highlighted the importance of road safety. He remarked, “Road safety is every motorist’s personal responsibility. It underscores our commitment to protecting the well-being of ourselves, our families, and other road users and their families.

“Therefore, we expect motorists to obey traffic rules at all times and to show consideration for other road users, especially vulnerable ones like motorcyclists, pedal cyclists, and pedestrians.”

The unmarked Traffic Police cars might stop an offending motorist to issue a summons or record the offence and issue a summons later.

Motorists interviewed by Yahoo! Singapore supported the Traffic Police’s new initiative. IT specialist Andrew Tan, 28, said, “I think this is a very good initiative to curb the number of accidents and to ensure safety on the roads.”

Accountant Ursula Ng, 34, concurred, “Our roads are getting too overcrowded with vehicles, and there are accidents every day for various reasons. I really hope this will deter motorists from speeding and driving dangerously.”

Motorcyclist Mohd Fadli, 31, added, “I’m sure the unmarked cars will be out in full force to ensure road safety, but motorists should also be more considerate and patient.”

The Traffic Police last used unmarked patrol cars in 2004.


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